
A beginning of sorts

I woke up this morning and the very first coherent thought in my head was "I need a new job." Not that this is the first time i have thought this by any means, just the first time it was the first thing i thought. Oops, convoluted much? So I begin my day looking on the internets for a new job. Do I find anything i could apply for that will pay my bills?


I did however find a job that would be perfect for a friend. Which is a good thing for her. Ah, well. It's not vital i have a new job, just important for my happiness.
What made me decide to start a blog? A number of reasons.
  • A guest suggested i start a blog about where i work and to update it every day. He also suggested i should read a book called Outliers, which a key idea is you need to spend over 10,000 hours (about 1,250 8 hour days) on something in order to have great success in a particular field or activity.
  • I just got a Twitter account, and it does not allow me enough rambling space.
  • I'd love a place for me to write about anything and everything i am doing to find my way back to myself.
And last but not least.
  • I just read a friends blog and I enjoyed it.
So i suppose this is the beginning of many ramblings from me that will cover many things, such as:
  1. running
  2. my job
  3. my friends
  4. hiking
  5. misc.
If anyone is reading this, I suppose I should say "Enjoy."

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